Wednesday, September 20, 2006

2006 whitetail season arrives!

South Carolina archery season opened Friday and I took my 13 year old into the woods as this is one of the few places you can get a buck in full velvet. I set him on one of our Deerhunter ladder stands while I observed from the Big Deer lock-on stand close by. I have always been a rifle hunter while my son is quite proficient at shooting a bow, thanks to Joella Bates at Boar Hunter magazine who took us boar hunting in Georgia earlier this year and taught him to shoot straight. A bear hunting trip to New Brunswick this spring also did a lot to teach him patience, unfortunately a 13 year old's attention span is tested on most whitetail hunts. That morning we saw a racoon, a red fox, and a beaver... but the whitetail didn't show up until later when Sam was at school and I can't hit the broad side of a barn with a bow. I guess that's why they call it hunting.

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